[Asterisk-Users] Polycom check-sync

BJ Weschke bweschke at gmail.com
Wed Dec 28 15:09:52 MST 2005

On 12/28/05, Jerry Jones <jjones at danrj.com> wrote:
> Looking to implement a simple cli to reboot our Polycoms. The manual
> says it will on response to a Notify with an event of check-sync.
> Has anyone else used this? Any examples of a minimum packet to send?

 You can add the following to sip_notify.conf in /etc/asterisk/ (if it
isn't in there already):


 Then, you need to make sure that <specialEvent
voIpProt.SIP.specialEvent.checkSync.alwaysReboot="1"/> is in your
sip.cfg file. (The "alwaysReboot" should be 1 in that tag).

 Then, from the Asterisk console you can send, "sip notify
polycom-check-cfg <device # of phone in sip.conf>" and that will send
the appropriate msg from Asterisk to the phone to have it reboot


Bird's The Word Technologies, Inc.

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