[Asterisk-Users] CallerID/Extension Matching with Realtime Extensions

Douglas Garstang dgarstang at oneeighty.com
Thu Dec 15 22:50:11 MST 2005

In a regular extensions.conf, you can specify an extension as callerid/extension. For example
5551212/8000 => dosomething.
which matches when a user with callerid 5551212 dials 8000. 
This doesn't work with realtime extensions..... or does it? Does someone know how it's done?
The following doesn't work. Asterisk can't find the number.
mysql> select * from extensions_table order by context, exten, priority;    
| id | context  | exten     | priority | app      | appdata                  |
| 14 | context2 | 1001/1401 |        1 | Answer   |                          |
| 15 | context2 | 1001/1401 |        2 | Playback | hang-on-a-second-angry   |
| 16 | context2 | 1001/1401 |        3 | Hangup   |                          |

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