[Asterisk-Users] SIP Subscription Storage Location

Douglas Garstang dgarstang at oneeighty.com
Tue Dec 13 22:59:09 MST 2005

SIP Subscriptions are cached in memory. I'd like to find out if there's a way to have them cached in a file, say astdb ('ie database show') rather than in RAM. If your Asterisk process is stopped and restarted, you lose all the SIP subscriptions. Registrations on the other hand are still in the file when Asterisk restarts.
If you lose your subscriptions, you also lose all your BLF indications. Phones have to reboot. Yuck!
I can't understand why it was implemented this way (lack of design maybe?). SIP subscriptions have an expiry just like a registration does, so why not put them in astdb as well? Lots of other things are in astdb. Anyone know if it's possible?

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