[Asterisk-Users] Will Echo problems EVER be solved, I'm scared

Rich Adamson radamson at routers.com
Sun Aug 28 08:16:46 MST 2005

> > Might try playing around with the canceler parameters on the fxs channel.
> > Since the analog fxs phone is always very close physically, maybe play
> > with the echotraining (echocancel=32, and other echo parameters) to
> > see what impact those might have. (In theory, using something like
> > echotraining=800 on the fxo port and echotraining=200 on the fxs port
> > might influence the interaction, if that really is the issue.)
> I'd suggest turning off echotraining on the FXS altogether, and perhaps even 
> killing the echocanceller on FXS entirely.  (you won't be getting significant 
> echo from the FXS, and the FXO should be handling it anyway) -- 
> echocancelwhenbridged might be an interesting thing to play with as well.
> e.g. (assuming port 1-3 are FXO and port 4-7 are FXS)
> echocancel=64
> echocancelwhenbridged=yes
> echotraining=800
> channel => 1-3
> echocancelwhenbridged=no
> channel => 4-7
> type of thing...  I'm just throwing out some ideas here and have not tried it 
> myself.

That certainly makes more sence then my logic did. :)

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