[Asterisk-Users] Help Solving Asterisk Lockups

ewr at erols.com ewr at erols.com
Sat Aug 27 04:10:32 MST 2005

> Now I'm worried - we have exactly the same problem, but were going to 
> upgrade to 1.2. Now it seems as if CVS-HEAD has the same issue.
> We have a TE405P, with 80 cisco7960 phones connected to a isdn30 pri. The 
> same issues ocurr - Busy on inbound calls, cannot place outbound, nothing 
> in the logs.
> Are you (as we are)
> 1) running with queues and agents

We are *not* using queues or agents.

> 2) reloading the config (reload from the cli)
I have used "restart now" from the cli to bring the system back when it 
freezes.  Honestly I'm not sure that I've tried a plain "reload."  I'll see 
if that brings it back next time it dies.

> 3) monitoring the system by connecting to the manager cli ?
We have an application (similar to the Flash Operator Panel) that connects 
to the manager API (via port 5038, not the CLI) and is used by our 
receptionist to monitor extensions and transfer calls.

I intend to slowly start stripping the system down.  Next time it crashes I 
will change the logging from mysql to csv only.  This bug makes it sound 
like an mysql glitch can cause the system to hang: 

> We are looking for all possible solutions to this.
Me too!


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