[Asterisk-Users] Updated Patch to chan_agent.c for PREACKANNOUNCE

Hadar Pedhazur hadar at unorthodox.com
Fri Aug 26 18:14:23 MST 2005

Greg Boehnlein wrote:
> Right. It's a botched design and chan_agent's design doesn't lend itself 
> to being very helpful in the process, but that is where it had to go. This 
> is the reason that I dropped work on it, as ICD was a much more 
> intelligent design at the time.

Thank you very much for response, it clarified all of my fears ;-)

I just checked out the wiki page for ICD. I see that it's a "work in 
progress". At the moment, my patched chan_agent does exactly what I 
need, given that I only have one queue that needs to be processed. I 
know I will eventually grow out of that.

So, the question is: Is ICD ready to use in a semi-production mode 
(meaning, once the "specific" tasks that I want are tested, if I stick 
to those, is the code stable)?, or, since my need isn't immediate, would 
I be better off waiting a few months for the code to mature a bit.

Just looking for an opinion, not absolution ;-)

Thanks again.

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