[Asterisk-Users] AGI nor System working after a dial - Should it work?

Patrick Tracanelli eksffa at freebsdbrasil.com.br
Tue Aug 23 10:14:47 MST 2005

Hello List,

This is my first message herein. I was playing around with System() and 
AGI() and found out something I cound not determine my configuration 
error. I added before.agi and after.agi to the agi-bin dir. Tried to 
make before.agi get run before the dial call and after.agi be run after. 
Only the first priority (step 1) gets executed. Here follows some 
relevant part of the tests:

On extensions.conf

exten => _17XXXXXXXX,1,AGI(before.agi)
exten => _17XXXXXXXX,2,dial(SIP/${EXTEN}@sip.freebsdbrasil.com.br,20)
exten => _17XXXXXXXX,3,AGI(after.agi)

Debugging output:

  -- Registered to '', who sees us as
     -- Executing AGI("SIP/freebsdbrasil-9f33", "before.agi") in new stack
     -- Launched AGI Script /usr/local/share/asterisk/agi-bin/before.agi
     -- AGI Script before.agi completed, returning 0
     -- Executing Dial("SIP/freebsdbrasil-9f33", 
"SIP/1733426117 at sip.freebsdbrasil.com.br|20") in new stack
     -- Called 1733426117 at sip.freebsdbrasil.com.br
     -- SIP/sip.freebsdbrasil.com.br-20cd is ringing
     -- SIP/sip.freebsdbrasil.com.br-20cd answered SIP/freebsdbrasil-9f33
     -- Attempting native bridge of SIP/freebsdbrasil-9f33 and 
   == Spawn extension (sip, 1733426117, 2) exited non-zero on 

before.agi gets executed, Asterisk dials the given extension, the whole 
conversation works out perfectly, but after.agi never gets executed...

I tried with System() before trying AGI(). The behaviour was exactly the 

Any suggestions?

Patrick Tracanelli

(31) 3281-9633 / 3281-3547
"Long live Hanin Elias, Kim Deal!"

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