[Asterisk-Users] asterick and festival...Help!

John Gruber john.gruber at usa.net
Thu Aug 18 16:01:23 MST 2005

Earlier this afternoon I had this working

exten => 2890,1,Answer
exten => 2890,2,GoTo(12)
exten => 2890,12,Wait(1)
exten => 2890,13,Festival('I can say numbers like')
exten => 2890,14,SayNumber(1230001,f)
exten => 2890,15,Wait(1)
exten => 2890,16,HangUp

I was so very proud of myself...

All of a sudden after a reboot.... I get the following from the same 
call plan

--- (9 headers 0 lines)---
    -- Executing Festival("SIP/1000-2915", "I can say numbers like") in 
new stack
  == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/festival.conf': Found
  == Spawn extension (mytest, 2890, 13) exited non-zero on 'SIP/1000-2915'

and of course the call exits. 

Here is my /etc/asterick/festival.conf

festivalcommand=(tts_textasterisk "%s" 'file)(quit)\n

Everything is running on the same box.  I have rebooted... nothing is 
var log messages either.

The local festival_client connects and I can put in (SayText "I can say 
numbers like") and it works great.

The festival_server log show only this for the calls from asterick:
client(11) Thu Aug 18 17:53:01 2005 : accepted from (my machine name here)
client(11) Thu Aug 18 17:53:01 2005 : disconnected

So it looks like it is connecting right.

How do I put festival in debug or tell asterick to show me the 
"non-zero" return value.

I would not be so painful if I had not bragged about having it 
working.... <g> It really was working.


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