[Asterisk-Users] problem in inbound calls

pellegrini at frameweb.it pellegrini at frameweb.it
Mon Aug 8 02:53:39 MST 2005

I have the following problem when calling from outside my asterisk box :

 Extension 'my ISDN phone number' in context 'from-pstn' from '' does not
exist.  Rejecting call on channel 0/1, span 2

The card is zaphfc configured (group=2), the calls form internal to outside
are perfect.

If I had a chan_capi card, I shoud add

msn='my ISDN phone number'



 line in capi.conf. but here ?

 I did't find any place to add my phone number, both in zaptel.conf than in
zapata.conf !

Any help will be greatly appreciated !

Thanks in advance,


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