[Asterisk-Users] Send voicemail notification to SMS

Eric Wieling aka ManxPower eric at fnords.org
Thu Aug 4 08:45:13 MST 2005

Adam Holt wrote:

> On 4/8/05 3:41 pm, "Andrew Kohlsmith" <akohlsmith-asterisk at benshaw.com>
> wrote:
>>On Thursday 04 August 2005 10:32, C F wrote:
>>>If you are trying to send an SMS to a US cell phone then you can use
>>>the email of the phone, like this:
>>>Verizon subscriber: xxxxxxxxxx at vtext.com (where xxxxxxxxxx is the 10
>>>digit cell phone number)
>>>SprintPCS subscriber: xxxxxxxxxx at messaging.sprintpcs.com (where
>>>xxxxxxxxxx is the 10 digit cell phone number)
>>>Not sure about nextel and cingular, but I know it works with them as well.
>>Yes but that shows up as a text message.  Do you know offhand how to format
>>hte message so the cell phone comes up and says that it's voicemail as
>>opposed to a text msg?
> Can be done via:
> http://www.bayhamsystems.com/asterisk.html

Sorry, it looks more like 16 cents per SMS.

Each SMS to a USA carrier uses 3 credits.

500 Credits Pack  $26.78

I can receive text messages on my Verizon cell phone for 2 cents per 

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Mark Twain

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