[Asterisk-Users] X100P + spandsp locks machine with zaptel & asterisk 1.0.7

Jesse Guardiani jesse at wingnet.net
Tue Apr 26 07:20:44 MST 2005


I've got an older machine that is being locked/hung
by what appears to be the X100P card. I'm running
the following:

[9:11]jesse at rhea:[/home/jesse]# qpkg -v -I zaptel
net-misc/zaptel-1.0.7 *
[9:11]jesse at rhea:[/home/jesse]# qpkg -v -I asterisk
net-misc/asterisk-oh323-0.6.5 *
net-misc/asterisk-app_rtxfax-0.0.2_pre10 *
net-misc/asterisk-1.0.7 *
[9:11]jesse at rhea:[/home/jesse]# qpkg -v -I spandsp
media-libs/spandsp-0.0.2_pre10 *

# uname -a
Linux rhea 2.6.11-gentoo-r2 #1 SMP Mon Mar 21 15:28:42 EST 2005 i686
Pentium II(Deschutes) GenuineIntel GNU/Linux

It runs fine for about a day, then it locks solid
overnight. I'm using the X100P as an answering
machine and fax machine. The asterisk machine also
serves SIP over my DSL line.

When the machine locks up, if I connect a monitor
and keyboard to it, I get no signal. The fans are
running, but it would appear that no interrupts
are being serviced. No SSH, no video, nothing.

The X100P shares a line with the rest of the
phones in my house, including the DSL modem. I
have a line filter on every piece of equipment in
the house, including my satellite receiver. The
machine seems to hang overnight. Never during the
day. My satellite dials out at 3am over the phone
line to send billing info and retrieve guide updates.

Is there a possibility that the modem tones generated
by the satellite are hanging the zaptel kernel modules
in my asterisk server?

Is anyone else experiencing regular system lockups
while running spandsp or zaptel?

Jesse Guardiani, Systems Administrator
WingNET Internet Services,
P.O. Box 2605 // Cleveland, TN 37320-2605
423-559-LINK (v)  423-559-5145 (f)

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