[Fwd: FW: [Asterisk-Users] IAX help]

Michael DiMartino mdm at bigmtnskier.com
Sat Apr 23 10:34:36 MST 2005

Peter Bowyer wrote:

>On 23/04/05, Michael DiMartino <mdm at bigmtnskier.com> wrote:
>>Peter thanks for the response.
>>I put the user name and password in but i still get the same error.
>>;Extentions at telx-nyc
>>exten => _70XX,1,Dial(IAX2/telx-nyc:telx-nyc at telx-nyc/${EXTEN})
>>Apr 23 12:30:35 NOTICE[147465]: chan_iax2.c:5390 socket_read: Rejected
>>connect attempt from
>>What else could it be?
>This peer entry in telx-nyc's iax.conf:
>; telx-NY17S - Incoming
>Needs to match with the dial string you're calling it with above. See
>the difference?
>Check the presented username with iax debug enabled to confirm.
Here is the output for iax2 debug on the telx-nyc server. the receicving 

Rx-Frame Retry[ No] -- OSeqno: 000 ISeqno: 000 Type: IAX     Subclass: 
   Timestamp: 00002ms  SCall: 00003  DCall: 00000 []
   VERSION         : 2
   CALLED NUMBER   : 7001
   Unknown IE 045  : Present
   Unknown IE 038  : Present
   Unknown IE 039  : Present
   Unknown IE 040  : Present
   CALLING NAME    : Telx 7101
   LANGUAGE        : en
   USERNAME        : telx-NY17S
   FORMAT          : 4
   CAPABILITY      : 2097151
   ADSICPE         : 2
   DATE TIME       : 177695713

Ignoring unknown information element 'Unknown IE' (45) of length 0
Ignoring unknown information element 'Unknown IE' (38) of length 1
Ignoring unknown information element 'Unknown IE' (39) of length 1
Ignoring unknown information element 'Unknown IE' (40) of length 2
Apr 23 13:34:01 NOTICE[147465]: chan_iax2.c:5390 socket_read: Rejected 
connect attempt from
Tx-Frame Retry[000] -- OSeqno: 000 ISeqno: 001 Type: IAX     Subclass: 
   Timestamp: 00016ms  SCall: 00003  DCall: 00003 []
   CAUSE           : No authority found

Rx-Frame Retry[ No] -- OSeqno: 001 ISeqno: 001 Type: IAX     Subclass: 
   Timestamp: 00016ms  SCall: 00003  DCall: 00003 []

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