[Asterisk-Users] Connecting Elmeg CS100 ISDN system phones to Asterisk

Taco Scargo asterisk at scargo.nl
Fri Apr 22 23:14:56 MST 2005


I still have a reasonable number of Elmeg CS100 ISDN system phones and also 
some Elmeg ISDN Dect sets lying around, which I ultimately would like to 
connect to my Asterisk system. Using the basic ISDN functionality using an 
NT capable ISDN card is no problem. I would however like to use the 
'proprietary' Elmeg functions. The Elmeg phones are able to communicate with 
an Elmeg PABX for it's phonebook and other functions.
It would be nice to emulate that in Asterisk, to make them more featurerich.

Has anyone else ever tried to reverse-engineer these Elmeg extensions, or 
does anyone have a document describing it ? Or is there possibly already 
some software for Asterisk ?


Taco Scargo 

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