[Asterisk-Users] Asterisk Restart after crash

Guido Hecken guido.hecken at gwsnettech.de
Fri Apr 22 08:18:19 MST 2005

> In your asterisk in init.d that calls safe_asterisk change this:

>         fi
>         $DAEMON $ASTARGS
>         RETVAL=$?
>         [ $RETVAL -eq 0 ] && touch /var/lock/subsys/asterisk
>         echo
>         return $RETVAL
> }
> ie remove 'daemon' from the command.

After applying the change to the init script, it seems to restart the
asterisk processes which get killed, but do you have a functional system
with this?
Our Testsystem spits out some '100% CPU-Loaded mpg123 processes' and
asterisk was somehow dead.
Did I miss something?

> Test it by kill -9 asterisk pid and see if it restarts - it is quite
> aggressive.
Yeah, really aggressive ;-)

Guido Hecken

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