[Asterisk-Users] DS3000P - 16 E1 capacity on single card

Kevin P. Fleming kpfleming at digium.com
Wed Apr 13 16:13:33 MST 2005

Andrew Latham wrote:

> What would be a real example of use. EG: A Tyan Transport TX46 and
> this card could handle what ever you could put on it. What is the
> realistic low end of system that could support this card.

Unfortunately that is a question without an answer, because "support 
this card" means very different things in different applications.

Since you didn't specify any particular CPU models in your example, I'd 
answer this way: it would surprise me greatly to find out that a box 
like that with two of the lowest-speed CPUs it supports could not easily 
handle all available voice channels on a DS-3, assuming no transcoding 
is in use (but software echo cancellation is in use).

If you need to transcode, then it depends entirely on the complexity of 
the codec you are using; GSM is pretty low CPU consumption, but G.729, 
G.723, iLBC and Speex are high (or very high) CPU consumption.

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