[Asterisk-Users] How many licenses of G729 do I need?

Jean-Michel Hiver jhiver at ykoz.net
Tue Apr 12 11:59:00 MST 2005

Ronald Wiplinger wrote:

> I am not sure how many licenses of G729 I need to purchase from Digium.
> I have a TDM22 card.
> Do I need for each FXS (2) or each FXO (2) or for both the license?
> Other SIP phones do have the license already, am I right here?

You need a license whenever Asterisk is 'transcoding', i.e. converting a 
g.729 audio stream into something else (such as ulaw).

When you connect two "things" (IP Phones, FXS, FXO, VoIP providers...) 
together using Asterisk either those "things" need a g.729 license or 
they don't.

Let's say you have "Thing A" and "Thing B".

- If both "Thing A" and "Thing B" support g.729a, you don't need a license

- If both "Thing A" and "Thing B" DO NOT support g.729a, you don't need 
a license (since none of the device can "talk" g.729 anyway)

- If "Thing A" supports g.729 but not "Thing B", you do need a license

- If "Thing B" supports g.729 but not "Thing A", you do need a license

The amount of licenses you need depends on the amount of transcoding 
that's going on.
Say your asterisk box has 5 phones (which don't support g.729) and 
you're using g.729 VoIP providers only, then you need 5 licenses if you 
want all phones to work simultaneously.

Now imagine that you've noticed that although you have 5 phones, there 
is never more than 3 simultaneous phone calls. You need only 3 licenses.

> Same questions for G723.1 !!!

I don't think asterisk supports that... or does it?


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