[Asterisk-Users] "Choppy" sounds after transferring to ISDN client or after a time

Michiel van Baak michiel at vanbaak.info
Wed Apr 6 13:33:06 MST 2005

On 22:12, Wed 06 Apr 05, Stefan Gofferje wrote:
> Hi folks,
> I'm experiencing a funny problem. I have an Asterisk with a Fritz!PCI 
> card as external and a HFC-S card as internal ISDN. I also use a Cisco 
> SIP phone and X-Lite.
> If I dial out or pick up a call at an ISDN phone, afetr about 30 
> minutes, the other party heavily complains about "choppy" sound, making 
> me hardly understandable.
> If I use a SIP phone and transfer to an ISDN phone, this effect appears 
> immediately.
> If I use only SIP clients, everything is fine.
> I used the monitor application to monitor calls but in the recording, 
> everything is ok. No choppy sound. I guess, this is a codec problem as I 
> once accidentally directly connected a client using ulaw and a client 
> using alaw which resulted in hardly understandable, choppy sound.
> Anyway, is the behavior I described above a bug in Asterisk or is this a 
> config problem?
> Anyone any clue on that?
> Besides, when using an ISDN client, after the same time, the sound goes 
> weird, the channel complains about "sync lost" and I may have some CPU 
> throtteling enabeled.
> I deleted the warning message from the zaphfc channel source as the 
> resulting logging eats up all CPU time on my Athlon XP 2400+ w/ 512MB RAM.
> Regards,
> Stefan

Hi Stefan,

I had the exact same thing when using a cheap HFC-S card
connected to my outside ISDN line. Replacing the card with
an AVM Fritz!PCI fixed this issue for me.
I tried a lot with the HFC-S card, different archs, SMP,
uniprocessor, nolapic, noapic, dual channel ram setup, 1
dimm only, removed all cards but the HFC-S, 4 different
versions of bristuffed. Nothing solved it.

Michiel van Baak
michiel at vanbaak.info
GnuPG key: http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x7E0B9A2D

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