[Asterisk-Users] IAX2 and NATs that increment ports

Eric Wieling aka ManxPower eric at fnords.org
Wed Apr 6 05:38:52 MST 2005

CuPoTKa wrote:
> Hello!
> Does anybody tried to work with IAX2 (client side - softphones) behind a 
> NATs that always increment ports?
> At asterisk CLI I see:
>     -- Registered '12345' (AUTHENTICATED) at a.b.c.d:22269
>     -- Registered '12345' (AUTHENTICATED) at a.b.c.d:22289
>     -- Registered '12345' (AUTHENTICATED) at a.b.c.d:22351
> And that clients expects problems, for example if they try to reconnect 
> with softphone - they can't connect any more, and so on.
> Is there any workaround for such NATs (but we can't touch routers, only 
> asterisk side or something).

This is the way NAT works.  It's not a problem for Asterisk unless you 
are doing something silly like port forwarding 4569/UDP on your NAT 
router.  Asterisk doesn't CARE about the source port of the client.

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