[Asterisk-Users] Sending DTMF back in a dialed/answered channel before bridging a call

BJ Weschke bweschke at gmail.com
Fri Apr 1 09:27:34 MST 2005

 Is there a uniform way that exists already to send DTMF down a
channel that's just been dialed and has answered before bridging the
two channels together? (eg. an IVR answers, and you need to send a
dynamic string of DTMF for a pin/voicemail box/passwd etc). I guess
one option is a timeout in the identifier string if that's possible,
but if there's a delay in the answer that wasn't expected the timeout
value could be off?

 I've googled around and am not finding anything real obvious. Is an
AGI hook the only way to do this?

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