[Asterisk-Users] spandsp

Danny Zak dannyz at belgonet.com
Sun Sep 26 11:42:43 MST 2004


regarding the details that i found on the site about spandsp; is it
correct to assume the following ?

+ spandsp will only work with a card that is located in the * box?


will my welltech or any other voip fxo adapter support FAX ( i know it
does t.38)


My current situation is that i got a faxserver running in my old pbx
situation; i need to find a way to replace the whole pbx with a * box;
and need to fwd a certain MSN to my fax server, OR just have the * box
handle the incomming fax.

Best regards,
 Danny                          mailto:dannyz at belgonet.com

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