[Asterisk-Users] Re: Meetme

Tom Ivar Helbekkmo tih at eunetnorge.no
Thu Sep 23 22:54:36 MST 2004

Steve Kann <stevek at stevek.com> writes:

> This was what I wrote on the iaxclient list previously:

Cool, Steve -- thanks a lot!  Conference() works great for me now.  :-)

I've extended the description for "show application" thus:

static char *descrip =
"  Conference(<name>[/<flags>[/<priority>[/probstart[/probcont]]]]):\n"
"Creates or joins a telephone conference.  There is no configuration file;\n"
"everything is controlled through parameters to the invocation from an\n"
"extension context.\n"
"      <name>: an alphanumeric string identifying the conference\n"
"     <flags>: a concatenation of flag characters chosen from the following:\n"
"              M: user is a moderator, i.e. is allowed to speak\n"
"              L: user is a listener, i.e. may only listen in (default)\n"
"              T: user has a telephone, not an iaxclient; enable speex\n"
"              V: sets speex flag SPEEX_PREPROCESS_SET_VAD\n"
"              D: sets speex flag SPEEX_PREPROCESS_SET_DENOISE\n"
"              A: sets speex flag SPEEX_PREPROCESS_SET_AGC\n"
"  <priority>: not currently used\n"
" <probstart>: sets SPEEX_PREPROCESS_SET_PROB_START value\n"
"  <probcont>: sets SPEEX_PREPROCESS_SET_PROB_CONTINUE value\n"
"Returns 0 if the user exits with the '#' key, or -1 if the user hangs up.\n" ;

Tom Ivar Helbekkmo, Senior System Administrator, EUnet Norway Hosting
www.eunet.no  T +47-22092958 M +47-93013940 F +47-22092901 FWD 484145

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