[Asterisk-Users] New astGUIclient version released 1.0.4

mattf mattf at vicimarketing.com
Tue Sep 21 08:44:14 MST 2004


We've released another update to our Asterisk GUI Client suite: 1.0.4


Screen shots: http://astguiclient.sourceforge.net/screenshots.html

The client suite runs on both Windows and UNIX, includes the VICIDIAL
auto-dialer and is free as in GPL.
(the suite is not an asterisk configuration tool)
This package is geared towards Asterisk installations with SIP phones and
Zaptel devices.

In addition to many bug fixes, we've added a few new features to the
VICIDIAL application(time-zone restriction and another closer transfer
option) and we've streamlined and tuned many back-end scripts.

To upgrade from 1.0.3 you need to update all of the server apps and web
pages as well as use the new client apps, and run the update sql script and
a perl script to populate the timezone file(if you use vicidial).

Let me know what you think.



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