[Asterisk-Users] AB1

Steven Critchfield critch at basesys.com
Fri Sep 17 10:19:14 MST 2004

On Fri, 2004-09-17 at 12:13, Matt Hohman wrote:
> We are looking at purchasing a carrier access ab1 channel bank forptsn
> interconnect. Has anyone used these before? Any insight?

Have you heard about Google? If you put in some terms about what you
want to know, and optionally give it a push in the right direction, it
gives you all kinds of relevant information back. Technology is supposed
to reduce our workload, not make it easier for you to zap the resolve of
those who put forth effort.

6 pages of results. Go read.

Steven Critchfield <critch at basesys.com>

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