[Asterisk-Users] Monitor and AGI - doesn't record much!

Stuart Hart stuart at vo.net
Sun Sep 12 15:37:54 MST 2004

I have setup as per the monitor example configuration on the wiki site and
all works well for an extension dialing 8 then the number. However, if I
dial from an AGI script the recording stops after a few seconds. I see an
extra answer in the console and suspect that is the reason. Could any kind
soul help me to get around this?




exten =>

exten => _8.,2,Monitor(wav,${CALLFILENAME},m)

exten => _8.,3,Dial(${TRUNK}/${EXTEN:${TRUNKMSD}}) ;


Console log...


    -- AGI Script Executing Application: (DIAL) Options:

    -- Setting call duration limit to 60605520 seconds.

    -- Executing SetVar("Local/85551212 at default-72ef,2",
"CALLFILENAME=--spa2002--5551212--20040912-173057") in new stack

    -- Called 85551212/

    -- Executing Monitor("Local/85551212 at default-72ef,2",
"wav|--spa2002--5551212--20040912-173057|m") in new stack

    -- Executing Dial("Local/85551212 at default-72ef,2", "Zap/g3/5551212") in
new stack

    -- Called g3/5551212

    -- Zap/4-1 answered Local/85551212 at default-72ef,2

    -- Local/85551212 at default-72ef,1 answered SIP/spa2002-b7f0


**** when this message is displayed the Monitor stops although the call is
still in progress ****


  == Spawn extension (default, 85551212, 3) exited non-zero on
'Local/85551212 at default-72ef,2'

monitor executing ( nice -n 19 soxmix
/var/spool/asterisk/monitor/--spa2002--5551212--20040912-173057.wav && rm -f
/var/spool/asterisk/monitor/--spa2002--5551212--20040912-173057-* ) &


**** Finally the call is hung up but only the first 4 seconds are recorded
:-( *****


    -- Hungup 'Zap/4-1'

new UID is

    -- AGI Script astcc.agi completed, returning 0




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