[Asterisk-Users] Anyone using Voipjet?

Michael Graves mgraves at mstvp.com
Sat Oct 30 08:17:28 MST 2004

On Fri, 29 Oct 2004 20:13:02 +0200, Wilson Pickett wrote:

>I've used them for calls terminating in the US with good results. I
>happened to put through a call to Romania today and it seemed the
>person was hearing me very much lagged behind. The actual asterisk IAX
>figure given was like 80 ms which is usually pretty decent for talking
>to someone.

I've been using VoipJet since early August. I don't put a huge number
of minutes through them, but I have been very impressed with the
service. My dialplan tries them first, then falls back to trying NuFone
and VoicePulse Connect if the VJ connection is down. It's almost never
been down.

They did for a short while have a problem passing DTMF but John got
that fixed quickly. Also, their handling of CDR was not usefull at
first, but hase been improved recently.

Michael Graves                           mgraves at pixelpower.com
Sr. Product Specialist                          www.pixelpower.com
Pixel Power Inc.                                 mgraves at mstvp.com



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