[Asterisk-Users] De-Centralized / Distributed Conferencing App

Richard Lyman pchammer at dynx.net
Wed Oct 27 09:59:27 MST 2004

Adam Goryachev wrote:

> On Wed, 2004-10-27 at 06:50, Andrew Kohlsmith wrote:
>>On October 26, 2004 04:15 pm, Richard Lyman wrote:
>>>the issue i think is being discussed is when all participants can
>>>talk.  if you were simply retransmitting client side muted then
>>>you could fit alot of listeners amoung one or more servers to
>>>handle the client load.  (meaning have the servers be the
>>>conference member (1 channel) on the main server the input hits.
>>>    basically .. 'streaming/multicasting'
>>I know that early on in the conference people could hear others -- there was a 
>>lot of complaining about someone's cellphone which was drowning out the talk.
> I think it would be helpful if there was a method for the user to mute
> themselves from the conference, and toggle their mute status (maybe
> pressing some DTMF digit to mute/unmute). Of course, even better would
> be a method for each user to somehow "put up their hand", and eventually
> the 'mic' would be passed to them. Even a first-in-first-served basis
> might work.
> ie, 300 people in conference, one person starts talking, after a
> configurable time-limit, or when the person presses a button, they 'mic'
> is removed and handed to the next person who indicated they wanted to
> speak. A record is kept of the order that the mic should take. A user
> can also cancel their request before their turn, or release their turn.
> This would allow for a 'self-moderated' conference...
> Of course, even the first option, where you can 'push-to-talk' would
> drastically improve things (filtering background noise from 300 people).
> I suppose if you wanted to get fancy, you could do speech detection on
> the 300 channels to auto-detect their 'push-to-talk' status, but this
> would (I think) be quite difficult. (This is different to simple silence
> detection I would think, but that might be a medium-term solution).
> Regards,
> Adam
the ability to mute/unmute ones self is already there IF the 
system is enabled. push to talk has it's ups and downs also, that 
would mean (since the 'client' in this case can be a normal 
phone) that press button X and * sees the request and enables 
talk on that chan for XX seconds.. users never could talk for XX 
seconds <G> '.. and un'  huh what?

i am of the firm belief that there is no way on earth you could 
get 300 living, breathing poeple in a conference unmuted, and 
have them successfully 'self-moderate'.

you always have your 10% <G>

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