[Asterisk-Users] GPL Violations (Was: Advice on OS Choice)

Brian West brian at bkw.org
Thu Oct 14 16:57:53 MST 2004

> The EULA is where the real teeth are -- prohibiting even people who
> have purchased RHEL from using it in ways that RedHat prohibits.  For
> example, it is not possible to purchase one copy of RHEL and install it
> on two machines.  Nor are you allowed to run RHEL on a machine without
> having purchased support.  I am unclear on how this is not a further
> restriction on the code (and therefore prohibited by the GPL) but the
> FSF appears unwilling to pursue the point.

I do feel that those are violations of the GPL.  They can't place more
restrictions on software that is already free via the GPL.  This is the
exact reason I told RedHat to f$%k off.  They used the community to build a
brand then said F$%K YOU, but here is Fedora which we will use to test new
stuff that might make it into RedHat's high end products.  So basically
you're a test community for future RedHat products if you run Fedora. 

Personally if the copyright holder of a GPL software such as Asterisk or any
GPL software allows someone to violate the GPL then allow them to skid by is
setting a bad precedent for the GPL.  I think if you find a GPL violation
you must stand up and make an example out of said company.  If a copyright
holder doesn't standup and say something that only weakens the GPL's power.
The GPL is still untested in the court system.

That's my opinion.  Flame away!  Software only wants to be free.


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