[Asterisk-Users] Record and Maxduration not working... sometimes

versini versini at gmail.com
Thu Oct 14 10:55:50 MST 2004

Hi all!

I have an * box that I use to record existing calls via a 3rd leg that
I conference with the existing call via another PBX (which is not able
to do recordings)....
The recording is limited to 20 sec even if the existing call lasts longer.
Here is an extract from my extension.conf:
exten => _123.,1,Record(/tmp/record/${EXTEN}:WAV|0|20)
exten => _123.,2,Hangup

This is working fine within the normal case... However, if * is too
busy to answer in time, I have a timeout on the other PBX which then
sends a CANCEL. Unfortunately, when * is at last available, it picks
up the INVITE, start to record the call and never treats the CANCEL...
Because of that situation, I have several ghost channels of recording,
not recording anything...

To reproduce this behavior, I can simply suspend * (CTRL Z on the
runing console), try to start the recording, hang up, and reactivate *

Does anyone know if I'm doing something wrong?
Thanks  for your help!

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