[Asterisk-Users] how does agent logoff if you supply extension?

Robert Jackson RobertJ at promedicalinc.com
Wed Oct 6 18:31:03 MST 2004

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Matthew Boehm [mailto:mboehm at cytelcom.com] 
> Sent: Wednesday, October 06, 2004 5:49 PM
> To: asterisk-users at lists.digium.com
> Subject: [Asterisk-Users] how does agent logoff if you supply 
> extension?
> Per the wiki:
> Logging off
>  1. call the extension for AgentCallbackLogin
>  2. enter your password followed by #
>  3. when asked for the extension number just press #
> But if your exten=> is this:
>     exten => 2010,1,AgentCallbackLogin(3333|3044 at mycontext)
> How do they logoff per the wiki's directions? If you use ACBL 
> as above, it never asks you for the extension number because 
> you have already supplied it.
I don't believe that you can.  You can do it a few different
ways.  Here's what we used for a while:

Have an extension to dial for logging in and a separate 
extensions for logging out.  The logout extension 
would look like this:

exten => 2011,1,AgentCallbackLogin(3333|@mycontext)

Then the agent would enter the hit # once more than above
to log off.

Good luck,

Robert Jackson

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