[Asterisk-Users] IAXy - anyone using them yet?

Walt Reed asterisk at linuxguy.com
Tue Oct 5 09:53:12 MST 2004

On Wed, Oct 06, 2004 at 01:21:29AM +0900, Benjamin on Asterisk Mailing Lists said:
> Your wishlist would have to be fulfilled by another product, a big
> brother of the IAXy so to speak.

Oh! Oh! A mini IAX Channel Bank, with ethernet on one side and FXO / FXS
ports on the other! :-) A 2x6 model would be awesome!

This would SOOO hit the small business / home market dead on... No more
interrupt issues, PCI compatability issues, etc. If someone could do
this, they would totally capture the market. Need more lines or
extensions? Just add another unit. If someone could do one of these in
the $500 - $800 range, it's "game over" time for pretty much all other
small key / PBX systems. It needs to be more "business class" than
the x100p / TDM400P cards though... Better line interfaces (more
forgiving - no winmodem chips, impedance matching, etc.)

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