[Asterisk-Users] Uniden UIP200 -- configured, but not working?

Ken D'Ambrosio ken at jots.org
Sun Nov 28 22:21:07 MST 2004

Ryan Courtnage wrote:

>If it registers fine with Asterisk, then what exactly is the problem?
>Does the Uniden phone display an error?  Asterisk?  Can you make/receive
>The firmware version and uniden<mac>.txt might also be relevant to the
Jeepers.  You want a description of the actual problem?  (*thwaps* 
self)  Ummm.  Okay.  Sorry 'bout that.  The problem is that everything 
seems to register fine, but no calls actually take place, either 
in-bound or out-bound.  With "sip debug" going, I get this:

Nov 29 00:15:41 DEBUG[1111337904]: chan_sip.c:757 __sip_autodestruct: 
Auto destroying call '55ae66469fd9 at uniden.co.jp'
Destroying call '55ae66469fd9 at uniden.co.jp'

The phone's firmware rev. is BS4.59a

The uniden<mac>.txt file is as follows:

MyLcdDisplay            22
MyDialNumber            22
UserNameForRegistrar    22
PasswordForRegistrar    foo
TimeDisplay             Enable

Lastly, if, in the unidencom.txt file, I put a "proxy" bit in, I get an 
honest-to-goodness busy signal, which certainly seems better than 
nothing.  But I'm not using a proxy -- I'm going straight to the 
Asterisk box.

Any ideas?

Thanks again,


P.S.  Yes, I've looked at the uip200 WIKI.  ;-)

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