[Asterisk-Users] E911 support

brett-asterisk at worldcall.net brett-asterisk at worldcall.net
Wed Nov 24 09:03:17 MST 2004

Henry Devito wrote:

>AS Far as I have seen the only way to send E911 Info is over PRI.  We have
>done the same thing with DID's as there is no way to send a different CSID
>over standard T1, at least in our area.

Not meaning to dig up an old thread, but I thought this was worth 
mentioning. Standard Wireline E911 Location information comes from a 
centralized DB called ALI (Automatic Location Identification) which is 
mapped to ANI (Automatic Number Identification). So as long as you have 
a technology that can transmit ANI, you can support E911. I believe * 
can do this.

Note that there are only a few technologies that require ALI to be sent 
from somewhere other than the ALI DB. For example, Cell phones today 
typically transmit their Lat/Long Coords. Go take a look at specs for 
cell phones today. You may be suprised to see that like over 70% of them 
have GPS chips in them!! (I was amazed)

As for ALI.. A lot of carriers allow you to outpulse digits on a T1 in 
such a way that you outpulse DNIS and then some code (* maybe) and then 
ANI.. I can't remember the convention, but I do NOT think it is standard 
(please correct me if I am wrong).

CAMA trunks are nasty creatures.. stay away. if you want to be able to 
provide 911 services, either buy it bundled from a CLEC or from your 
Incumbant provider (ILEC/RBOC). They will do the MSAG querriers and 
provide connectivity to the PSAPs. Something which you do NOT want to do..

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