[Asterisk-Users] Controlling Asterisk from PHP?

Peter Hoppe peter at radioworldwide.org
Thu Nov 18 16:05:41 MST 2004

Yes, Asterisk supports interfacing with many different programming 
languages. Basically, any program that can read from the stdin, stdout 
and stderr streams can interface with asterisk. You can therefore 
implement your own programs in any language that allows streaming 
from/to these streams. PHP works fine, so does C, C++, python, perl and 
whatnot else. Asterisk achieves this functionality via the AGI - the 
"Asterisk Gateway Interface". You can find more information on that under


and concerning AGI commands in the dialplan, look under


I am actually looking into using PHP and Asterisk together. One 
application that I would like to implement is for basic admin tasks, 
such as creating/deleting voicemail boxes from a telephone console using 
a login and a voice menu.

I hope this helps.

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