[Asterisk-Users] Multiple NIC's on * box?

Rich Adamson radamson at routers.com
Thu Nov 11 06:28:30 MST 2004

Can * support a box with multiple nic cards correctly?

Background: small isp operation in the US has a rather large wireless
network covering multiple counties. The wireless net is an isolated
network using private IP's and nat'ing (via Cisco 7206). Their dsl
customers are on another isolated network using registered IP's out
to the customer dsl modem (which then does nat'ing) on another Cisco
7206 interface. Will I need to dedicate an * system to each, or can
I consider multiple nic's on a single system? (Traffic volumes will
be rather low, so multiple machines are not thought to be a requirement
now or in the future, unless multiple nic's are not reasonably 

Thoughts anyone?

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