[Asterisk-Users] Free World Dialup via IAX2 gives duplicate calls?

Robert Withrow witr at rwwa.com
Mon Nov 8 08:12:12 MST 2004


I have this problem trying to connect two asterisk servers via Free
World Dialup's IAX2 (FWD) mechanism:  Calls from one asterisk server
seem to get duplicated when they get to the other asterisk server.  This
causes the extension to which the call is directed to appear busy
causing the second call (which appears to be the "real one") to be
directed to voicemail.  Has anyone else experienced this?

Here are logs for an example of this:

    -- Accepting AUTHENTICATED call from, requested format
= 4, actual format = 4
    -- Executing Macro("IAX2[iaxfwd at iaxfwd-out-1]/5",
"con-ext-cid|101|89Chris Hobbs") in new stack
    -- Executing SetVar("IAX2[iaxfwd at iaxfwd-out-1]/5", "name=Chris
Hobbs") in new stack
    -- Executing SetCallerID("IAX2[iaxfwd at iaxfwd-out-1]/5", "89Chris
Hobbs") in new stack
    -- Executing SetCIDName("IAX2[iaxfwd at iaxfwd-out-1]/5", "Chris
Hobbs") in new stack
    -- Executing Goto("IAX2[iaxfwd at iaxfwd-out-1]/5", "ext-int|101|1") in
new stack
    -- Goto (ext-int,101,1)
  == Channel 'IAX2[iaxfwd at iaxfwd-out-1]/5' jumping out of macro
    -- Executing Macro("IAX2[iaxfwd at iaxfwd-out-1]/5",
"dial-ext-vm|SIP/101") in new stack
    -- Executing Dial("IAX2[iaxfwd at iaxfwd-out-1]/5", "SIP/101|15|t") in
new stack
    -- Called 101
    -- SIP/101-7d91 is ringing
    -- Accepting AUTHENTICATED call from, requested format
= 4, actual format = 4
    -- Executing Macro("IAX2[iaxfwd at iaxfwd-out-1]/6",
"con-ext-cid|101|89Chris Hobbs") in new stack
    -- Executing SetVar("IAX2[iaxfwd at iaxfwd-out-1]/6", "name=Chris
Hobbs") in new stack
    -- Executing SetCallerID("IAX2[iaxfwd at iaxfwd-out-1]/6", "89Chris
Hobbs") in new stack
    -- Executing SetCIDName("IAX2[iaxfwd at iaxfwd-out-1]/6", "Chris
Hobbs") in new stack
    -- Executing Goto("IAX2[iaxfwd at iaxfwd-out-1]/6", "ext-int|101|1") in
new stack
    -- Goto (ext-int,101,1)
  == Channel 'IAX2[iaxfwd at iaxfwd-out-1]/6' jumping out of macro
    -- Executing Macro("IAX2[iaxfwd at iaxfwd-out-1]/6",
"dial-ext-vm|SIP/101") in new stack
    -- Executing Dial("IAX2[iaxfwd at iaxfwd-out-1]/6", "SIP/101|15|t") in
new stack
    -- Called 101
    -- Got SIP response 486 "Busy" back from
    -- SIP/101-153f is busy
  == Everyone is busy at this time
    -- Executing Ringing("IAX2[iaxfwd at iaxfwd-out-1]/6", "") in new stack
    -- Executing Wait("IAX2[iaxfwd at iaxfwd-out-1]/6", "1") in new stack
    -- Executing VoiceMail("IAX2[iaxfwd at iaxfwd-out-1]/6", "b101") in new
    -- Playing 'vm-theperson' (language 'en')
  == Spawn extension (macro-dial-ext-vm, s, 1) exited non-zero on
'IAX2[iaxfwd at iaxfwd-out-1]/5' in macro 'dial-ext-vm'
  == Spawn extension (ext-int, 101, 1) exited non-zero on
'IAX2[iaxfwd at iaxfwd-out-1]/5'
    -- Hungup 'IAX2[iaxfwd at iaxfwd-out-1]/5'
    -- Playing 'digits/1' (language 'en')
    -- Playing 'digits/0' (language 'en')
    -- Playing 'digits/1' (language 'en')
    -- Playing 'vm-isonphone' (language 'en')
  == Spawn extension (macro-dial-ext-vm, s, 104) exited non-zero on
'IAX2[iaxfwd at iaxfwd-out-1]/6' in macro 'dial-ext-vm'
  == Spawn extension (ext-int, 101, 1) exited non-zero on
'IAX2[iaxfwd at iaxfwd-out-1]/6'
    -- Hungup 'IAX2[iaxfwd at iaxfwd-out-1]/6'

Robert Withrow, R.W. Withrow Associates, Swampscott MA, witr at rwwa.com

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