[Asterisk-Users] Multiline (4 or 8) sip phone

Noah Miller noah at rosecompanies.com
Thu Nov 4 08:35:02 MST 2004

> What is a good multiline sip phone for an operator? Model and and
> manufacturer.

The list that I came up with for multiple line/presence SIP phones is:

Snom 190, 200  (5 lines)
Snom 220 (Expandable number of lines)
Cisco 7940 (2 lines)
Cisco 7960 (6 lines)
Polycom IP 500 (3 lines)
Polycom IP 600 (6 lines)
ipDialog SipTone (2 lines)
Zultys 4x4, 4x5 (4 lines)

I'm pretty sure there are others (QTelNet, etc.) but these are the only 
ones I got a chance to test.  After testing the ones above, I found the 
Polycoms to have the best sound on handset and speakerphone.  The 
Polycoms support fewer codecs, though (ulaw, alaw, and G.729 I think).  
They are also reasonably priced compared to the Cisco models.

I had to search for this info for a LONG time.  Eventually, I'll get 
around to posting it on the Wiki.

And yes, the multiple lines are done as multiple SIP registrations with 


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