[Asterisk-Users] Wireless VOIP Phone suggestions

Kanuri, Seshu (Company IT) Seshu.Kanuri at morganstanley.com
Tue Nov 2 12:27:10 MST 2004

 Or SIPURA SPA 2000s

-----Original Message-----
Use an ATA the plug in any cordless phone.
Works fine.


>Hi all,
>We're using Asterisk in our office to run our phone system (right now 
>about 5 SIP phones, various Cisco 7912's and 7960's), but we are in 
>desperate need for cordless phones.  We don't need 802.11b/g phones, 
>but just something that is wireless and does SIP.  I've done some 
>searching around, and we've even tried out the one from Pulver 
>Innovations (with no luck), so I wondered if someone could make some 
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