[Asterisk-Users] Problems with IAX configuration

Reto Stauss rstauss at mpol.ch
Tue May 25 06:48:45 MST 2004

We have a running Asterisk on a small server (RH 9.0) und were able to make calls via SIP.
Since the quality was rather poor (one of us has only a 150/75 kbps DSL connection, iLBC
did not work(?)) we tried to setup clients (FireFly) and Asterisk for connections via

In some point seems to be a mistake. Asterisk says:

-- Executing Dial("IAX2[83022777 at 83022777]/2", "IAX2/83022777 at mpolpbx.dynalias.org") in
new stack 
May 24 16:56:27 NOTICE[1133718080]: chan_iax2.c:4700 socket_read: Host
failed to authenticate as 83022777 
May 24 16:56:27 WARNING[1133718080]: chan_iax2.c:4534 socket_read: Call rejected by No authority found 
May 24 16:56:27 NOTICE[1133718080]: chan_iax2.c:1038 iax2_destroy: Avoiding IAX destroy
-- Called 83022777 at mpolpbx.dynalias.org 
-- Hungup 'IAX2[]/4' 
== No one is available to answer at this time 
May 24 16:56:37 WARNING[1209214400]: pbx.c:1836 ast_pbx_run: Timeout, but no rule 't' in
context 'from-iax' 
-- Hungup 'IAX2[83022777 at 83022777]/2'

externsions.conf looks like this:


exten => 83022266,1,Dial(IAX2/83022266 at mpolpbx.dynalias.org) 
exten => 83022266,3,Hangup 

exten => 83022777,1,Dial(IAX2/83022777 at mpolpbx.dynalias.org) 
exten => 83022777,3,Hangup

I guess the problem lies in extensions.conf but was not able to figure out the correct

Any hints?


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