[Asterisk-Users] Re: need phones with line and call indicators

John Todd jtodd at loligo.com
Thu May 20 17:19:08 MST 2004

At 7:29 PM -0400 on 5/20/04, Bob Kreider wrote:
>Is anybody using phones that indicate line and extension actvity 
>with the asterisk?

(moved to -users)

It is reported that the SNOM phones might even work with Asterisk, 
but documentation on this is sparse (at best.)  Look through the 
archives for the word "SUBSCRIBE" and also for "presence".

There are several phones that support extension activity indicators 
(reportedly): the Polycom 500/600 units, the Snom high-end phones, 
and the as-yet-to-be-released Sayson IP phones. Cisco phones do NOT 
support that functionality.  Someone else can perhaps complete this 
list - my day has been long and my mind is fuzzy...


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