[Asterisk-Users] IAXy

Josh Roberson twisted at indigent-networks.com
Wed May 19 15:15:22 MST 2004

Hi florian..

Florian Overkamp wrote:

>>-----Original Message-----
>>>- Sometimes a call won't go through, dialtone stays on after 
>>>Strange. A powercycle of the iaxy usually helps
>>Are you changing which phone is plugged into the iaxy before 
>>this happens?  The changing of resistance levels I have 
>>noticed to cause this occasionally.
>Nope, no changes in the phone connection.
>By the way, what does this mean:
>    -- Accepted AUTHENTICATED TBD call from <ip>
that means that the iaxy has authenticated to * to make a call, but has 
not yet sent digits.  This is normal activity.

>>>- No support for hookflash transfers (will this be possible ??)
>>There is most definately support for flashhook transfers.  
>>Hit Flash, then #, then dial the number you're' transferring 
>>to.  I've done this for awhile now, and it works fine.
>Can you show your IAXy provisioning config ? This doesn't do anything with
>my setup.
The provisioning config has nothing to do with this.

>>Make sure you're running revision 14 of the firmware.  type 
>>iax2 show firmware from the cli to see which firmware you 
>>have on your asterisk 
>>system.    If it's not the latest, i reccomend doing a cvs update to 
>>latest -HEAD .  If you're not running HEAD this is futile.  
>>Also, to see which version of firmware you have on the iaxy, 
>>do an iax2 debug, and watch for the iaxy's talk, it will tell 
>>you what firmware revision it's running.
>I did, and I can confirm the IAXy is running version 14.
Okay.    I'm not sure what to say then... I've been using an IAXy now 
since the first batch was done, and it works exactly as I described. 

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