[Asterisk-Users] Swap partition/file and Asterisk.

Philipp von Klitzing klitzing at pool.informatik.rwth-aachen.de
Mon May 10 14:46:23 MST 2004


> Well the idea is to run it on a 2 * Opteron 242 with 4 GB of memory and 
> 4*73GB 15K-RPM disks RAID-1. However the systen should also be able to 
> accomodate up to 150 extentions with an approx. continous usage of 40% 
> (e.g. approx. 60 users simultanious using the phones), in such a setup 
> we MAY have to pop in an additional 2-4 GB memory wherefore I am curious 
> as to what experiences are documented/tested.


Cheers, Philipp

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