[Asterisk-Users] How does Novergence do it ?

tmpm tmpm at softhome.net
Tue May 4 12:48:56 MST 2004

a simple google on norvergence & complaint brought these tidbits:

 From DSLreports: (note the "accountants" reply)
Some info on the company from the NJ bpu:
 From "bad business bureau" full description of their scam:
Another description of the scam:

Seems everyone has something to say about them, and its all bad...

My opinion, stay away, VERY far away...theyre New Jersey Mob characters 
masquerading as a telco...one is a convicted bad actor for running a 
slamming business...

At 10:19 5/4/2004, you wrote:

>My customer is going to ask for a copy of Norvergence's contract to read
>the details.  He said he'd send me a copy when it arrives...  From doing
>a little goggleing it sounds like Norvergence is a scam business model
>waiting to implode but what do I know.  :)

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