[Asterisk-Users] Any Suggestion for this system?

Lisa Xie lxie at qovia.com
Wed Mar 24 08:36:28 MST 2004

Dear everyone,

I am new to the mailing list and the asterisk system. I am looking for
suggestions to start a VoIP test lab and I am seriously interested in
the asterisk solution. After some homework, this is the end to end
system that I come up in mind:
1. Two PCs running asterisk: Intel Celeron, 833MHz, 256M memory
2. Each PC with one Wildcard T100P Single-Span T1, one Wildcard TDM400P
Quad-Port FXS PCI
3. 5 3com SIP phones plus software phones 
4. And I like to interconnect these two PC through Ascend 4000 WAN

Will the system work? The test lab will probably be expanded later and
1. WAN simulator
2. Asterisk system to other vendor system: Nortel, Cisco. 
3. E1 support

Do you see any potential incompatibility in this initial system for
future needs?



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