[Asterisk-Users] Important: The Asterisk Mailinglist(newsubject)

Jon Myers joeshmo at infoblvd.net
Sun Mar 21 21:07:21 MST 2004

At 09:34 PM 3/21/2004 -0500, you wrote:
>On Sun, 2004-03-21 at 20:48, Jon Myers wrote:
>> "Online" since 1985 (I know, not longer than alot of prople, but more
>> than a couple years).
>But apparently not long enough to know that top posting and not trimming
>quotes are both just as bad as reply-to-sender.


I used to post in between lines, to respond to each point seperately, then people would say it confused them.  Then I bottom posted, and people started saying that they didnt get my message, and instead got their message back with a bunch of arrows in front (not bothering to scroll down).  So I've taken the approach of top posting, and allowing users to scroll down to see the origional post for reference.  Everyone has their favorites, and preferences.  Hard to come up with a "standard", just like the 'ol reply-to thing.  So if there are several points, I sometimes do alot of trimming, and respond within the quotes (double space after/before quote).  If its a whole new line of thought, then a top post, if responding to a one-two liner (like this) then top quote trimmed, bottom post.

Sometimes I think I put too much thought into things, and get caught up in the mess of trying to come up with a pseudo standard...  (sigh)

- - -   Jon Myers

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