[Asterisk-Users] MOH overIAX2 not working.

Bob bevins bob at virteck.com
Thu Mar 11 15:43:27 MST 2004

I am running CVS-03/05/04, and I am having trouble getting moh to work
across iax2. I have moh working zap to zap channels, zap to iaxy. When I
go from zap/2-->*======IAX2======*-->zap/3 it doesn't work. IS this by
design or am I doing something wrong. Moh is working local on both *

I tried musiconhold=default in iax.conf both sides, and an m in dial
string. It doesn't seem to start the music, as it does on local zap

I have googled myself to near death. I have asked in irc, and didn't get
any response. 

I would appreciate any help,

Thanks in advance,

Bob Bevins

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