[Asterisk-Users] oh323 - ztdummy

Dario Lah dlah at tis.hr
Thu Mar 4 01:28:24 MST 2004

I've problem plying * demo, sound breaks.

Connecting two h323 calls works fine, but when playing sound I get
Request to schedule in the past?!?!

I've loaded ztdummy and usb-uhci but problem remains.

How can I tell that * is using ztdummy module? 
lsmod says 'use by' for ztdummy is 0 so nobody uses it

Does * automagicaly uses ztdummy or should I tell him to use it?

"Arthur yawed wildly as his skin tried to jump one way and 
his skeleton the other, whilst his brain tried to work out 
which of his ears it most wanted to crawl out of.
`Bet you weren't expecting to see me again,' said the 
monster, which Arthur couldn't help thinking was a strange 
remark for it to make, seeing as he had never met the 
creature before. He could tell that he hadn't met the 
creature before from the simple fact that he was able to 
sleep at nights." 

- Arthur discovering who had diverted him from going to a 

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