[Asterisk-Users] Complaining Emails

Andrew Yager andrew at rwts.com.au
Tue Jun 29 09:31:42 MST 2004

Hi Everyone,

I'm one of those "newbie" users that really doesn't know what is going 
on. And in stark contrast to the posts you may read, I do actually 
think that when you post on this list, you get a reply. In fact, I know 
you do. I have had a quite nice run setting up asterisk, when I've had 
problems I've looked at the Wiki or Google, and then when I can't find 
an answer, then I'll post - and everyone has been very helpful in 
getting my system running.

Of course - I've made my fair share of mistakes. Not all lists work 
quite the same way... and at time's I've been a bit over eager, and 
over zealous. And I'm sure I've had my posts simply marked as read or 
deleted by many people - some without opening.

But I have a strategy for dealing with the people who see fit to 

Don't reply.

It's that simple. If some people want to insult the intelligence or 
care of the people on this list, there is little we can do about it - 
except ignore them.

Then, when they complain about people not replying, we can simply say 
to ourselves - it's there own fault. And it benefits those of us who do 
use the list regularly, because there is fewer messages to sift 

The other issue that was mentioned was that of people not bothering to 
do their research before hand. In reality - the mailing list does exist 
to allow people to provide personalized answers to other people's 
questions. And a lot of these will be duplicate. I don't know - but I 
think the best strategy is to answer the question, and then point 
people to the Wiki as the place to look.

I don't want the Steve's, Kevin's or Eric's to leave this list. (Those 
are plural apostrophes btw). We all appreciate their help - hey - I 
appreciate their help. Maybe one day, I'll be fortunate enough to know 
as much as they do about this software, and be able to provide the same 
level of help to other people. Let's not spoil what we have.

Just my 2 cents...


Andrew Yager
Real World Technology Solutions
Real People, Real SolUtions (tm)
ph: (02) 9945 2567 fax: (02) 9945 2566
mob: 0405 15 2568

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