[Asterisk-Users] Modified Prepaid Error

Wolfgang Pichler madmin at dialog-telekom.at
Thu Jun 17 00:02:41 MST 2004


Am Do, den 17.06.2004 schrieb oi geli um 1:13:
> I am trying to install the Modified Prepaid App. I
> have installed PostgeSQL, created the tables, etc.
> Make Install runs ok. The when I try to launch
> asterisk (asterisk -vvvvvgc), it fails to run. I get
> the following errors,
> 1st error:
> [app_prepaid.so] => (Prepaid Application)
>   == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/prepaid.conf': Found
> Jun 16 14:27:27 ERROR[-1085267840]: app_prepaid.c:127
> check_connected: app_prepaid: cannot connect to
> database server localhost. Calls will not be logged
>   == Registered application 'Prepaid'
this simple means that the prepaid application can't connect to your
postgres database. How does your prepaid.conf looks like ? - Have you
also added the prepaid/asterisk user to your db ?

best regards

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