[Asterisk-Users] Re: Grandstream Firmware: SIP Register option gone

Stephen R. Besch sbesch at acsu.buffalo.edu
Mon Jun 7 07:28:28 MST 2004

Brian Capouch wrote:

> FYI to all you Grandstream users out there.  I just fetched and 
> installed the firmware, and it appears they have removed the 
> option to either do or not do SIP registration.  Now it appears that one 
> is going to register with the server specified in the "SIP Server" 
> field, without any ability to disable it.
> Bug or feature?  Just thought I'd put this out there and see if anyone 
> knows anything about it.

I doubt it's a bug in the phone because you cant disable the 
registration with either the config file, or by loading the with 
the HTML page - meaning that the change has been made in 
multiple places, not at all characteristic of a bug.

The bug is in the brain cells of the engineers at GS, who, by all 
rights, have broken the most cardinal rule in computer science: Never, 
Never, Never alter an interface in such a way as to break a significant 
number (more than 1?) of installations. Now, mind you, this is Beta 
code, and the option may be reinstated before the code goes to release. 
Nevertheless, the cavalier way in which they have broken many installs 
with this removal, while leaving such rarely used things as off-hook 
auto dial, the almost useless dial plan field, the broken early dial 
option and crippled ring tones suggests that someone in the organization 
really needs a "talking to".

I know that GS monitors this list. I just hope that they take this 
seriously.  Breaking the no register option is a really serious, and 
idiotic, mistake. They really are obliged to fix this as soon as 
absolutely possible.

Stephen R. Besch

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