[Asterisk-Users] MYSQL asterisk configuration

Scott Stingel scott at evtmedia.com
Fri Jun 4 11:48:05 MST 2004


Have you checked out the "Wiki" on this subject:


This should help you get started with MySQL, which works great with
asterisk, I've found.
You have to install the MySQL package - use the free version 4 at
www.mysql.com, and install as follows:
Download to a new directory, like, /usr/src/mysql.  Install by using rpm -U
for each, in this order:
      * shared-compat
      * client
      * devel
      * server - and follow on screen instructions 
        to create root password

Then, you have to struggle a bit with passwords and permissions to get
everybody to talk.  That's it!

Also, please don't post HTML messages in this forum, as many user's mail
clients don't handle it, use text instead - thanks.


Scott M. Stingel
Emerging Voice Technology, Inc.
Palo Alto California & London England
www.evtmedia.com <http://www.evtmedia.com/>  


From: asterisk-users-admin at lists.digium.com
[mailto:asterisk-users-admin at lists.digium.com] On Behalf Of Terry Goodwin
Sent: Friday, June 04, 2004 11:06 AM
To: asterisk-users at lists.digium.com
Subject: Re: [Asterisk-Users] MYSQL asterisk configuration

Oh,  forgot to officially ask...
Could anyone help me out getting asterisk talking to MYSQL?

>>> TGoodwin at packagingcorp.com 6/4/2004 11:36:24 AM >>>

Hello all.
I am a little (allot) lost on my next hurdle in getting an asterisk system
I would like to get my asterisk servers configured exclusively from
database.  I have read through the wiki on this subject but once again I
find that there is a certain level of knowledge that is assumed.   As of now
I know nothing about databases in general and specifically MYSQL.  I do not
know how to set up the database structure (SQL commands, scripts?) for the
required databases.  I think I have the add-on stuff done right but there
have been a few conflicting documents and comments in the mailing list
regarding this.  
Bottom line...  
I am rather confused as to where to start,  what direction to go in and how
the details are done.  I am, however,  willing to learn.  I just need to do
this in a compressed time frame as I need a really cool "show peace" to eval
so that I can get some $ thrown at it. 
Future needs will be Netware Edirectory integration at some level,  mainly
looking to pull name and phone # out of edirectory and present it to a cisco
7940/60 via XML.  I would love to be able to link the asterisk database
directly (ldap, dirxml, etc) to edirectory at some point so that changes
made in edirectory are sent to the appropriate asterisk system. Voicemail
networking (the ability to forward voicemails to a user or group of users on
remote asterisk systems and possibly an AMIS feature that will allow
networking with existing avaya/octel voicemail systems until I can replace
them with asterisk).  Providing high reliability.  I have been looking to
have two asterisk servers (primary and secondary) share a PRI but Im still
not real clear on how to achieve full redundancy of the server yet.
... and finally,  at some point  (when I can prove the potential of
asterisk) HIRE A FREAKING DEVELOPER so I can do whatever I want with the
system without causing myself to have an aneurism by trying to read (much
less figure out) source code.  Although I was successful in modifying
mime-construct to change the (from: ) field of the email.  Yeah I know,  its
Perl script...  But I was still pretty proud of myself.
If you actually read my entire screed I offer my sincere thanks.  If not,
well, your not reading this anyway.

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